Welcome to Reviews From The Right...


If you're here, you either like to read what others think, you were too curious to pass up the link in a post, or you're wondering '#WTLiteralF does this Right-Wing Nut-Job' think she's going to tell me, about anything?

To each and every one of you: WELCOME to REVIEWS FROM the RIGHT 

Eventually, I'll go back and post the reviews I've already written, mostly on books I've already read. But...since it's October, the month that ends with All Hallows Eve, Dia de Los Muertos, a/k/a Halloween, I'm going to watch mostly Horror or Psychological Thriller flix. Making October just like any other month in the year. 

Yes, I'm a huge fan of the frightening, the scary, the dark, the twisted, the 'I can't watch this scene, I'm turning my head so I don't hurl on my laptop (or phone, or PC keyboard...because I don't watch anything on TV)' I'm going to spend time watching a flic that makes me feel. Since on any given day I can turn on the News, and cry, or send myself in a flurry of anger, I don't need that from my "entertainment." 

kc watches a lot of scary flix, she also reads (rather, listens to) a LOT of BOOKS. When it comes to books (back to 1st person), I like to read political nonfiction, followed by a good psychological thriller. For example:

Political Non-Fiction includes, but isn't limited to, "Profiles in Corruption;" "When Harry Became Sally;" and "Don't Burn This Book." I can now add "1984" to this category as it's become a "playbook" for the left (much like "Rules For Radicals") that we're watching unfold in real-time and not the dystopian novel it was supposed to be.

Psychological Thrillers include, but aren't limited to, "Gone Girl;" "Darkfall;" and "Mother."

Political Bull Scheiße[1] includes, but isn't limited to, "Too Much and Never Enough; and "Beautiful Things."

It's my humble opinion that, for the most part, the book is better than the movie, e.g. "Hunger Games," "The Fault in Our Stars," and "Gone Girl," to name only three (3). I'm of the belief that characters, conversations, and plots should be vivid, and most importantly, consistent. What do I mean by that? I'm super glad you asked. When I'm reading, or listening to an e, or audiobook, I want to be able to SEE the characters and their surroundings. If I can't visualize those things, I don't have an issue stopping at the 'suck point' and not looking back.

I get almost ALL of my "e" and audiobooks from Scribd, some audiobooks I get from Audible, and occasionally I get an ebook from Kindle Unlimited. I don't work for Scribd, but I do pimp them out...a lot. If you use my referral link you will get 2 months of free access (I get 1 month freeinstead of only 30 days if you don't use the aforementioned "my referral link." Seriously, who doesn't like free sh*t!?!

Sidebar[2]: If you have written a few chapters or an entire book, I would be more than happy to read what you have and offer you constructive criticism or a print-worthy review. My promise to you is a sound and honest critique...that is unless it's not good. I don't read crap that I find a waste of time, and I will tell you if what you have written is "the suck." Even though the truth hurts, it's far more valuable than if all you're given is undeserved gushing and praise.

1.    Scheiße - German for shit.

2.    Take advantage of this shit, for free, while it lasts!


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